My Biggest Pet Peeve
My manager finds it to be absolutely necessary to run her slimy tongue along the tips of her five fingers, just before she goes to sift through a stack of papers. Not only is it unnecessary but I find it to be completely inconsiderate. Especially when I have to work with those very papers that she has taken the liberty of contaminating with her germs.
The worst thing about this situation is that I don't share the type of relationship with her that would allow me to bring my disgust with her actions, to her attention. Actually, truth be told, even if I had established that level of comfort, I wouldn't know how to approach her with my concerns. I've mulled the idea over in my head many times and have concluded that there is just no nice way of telling your manager to keep her spit to herself. So basically, there's nothing I can do but keep my mouth shut and a bottle of sanitizer handy.
My manager drives me crazy!
Labels: Image via Stress Busters