Is the World Crazy? Or is it me?

Friday, September 7, 2007

Addicted to Procrastination

Hi. My name is Ayisha and I am a procrastinator.

I am seriously the queen of procrastination. I do not know why I continue this awful habit of pushing things off until the last minute and totally stressing myself out. I've been addicted to this lifestyle my entire life. Well, maybe not my entire life on earth but definitely all of my school life.

In the fourth grade, I recall participating in my school's annual fund-raiser. I was given a catalog, full of sundry items, to sell to my friends and family. My mother, oh so graciously, took the catalog with her to work and returned home with a completely filled out order sheet. My job was done. I didn't need to sell anymore items. I just needed to turn the order sheet in to my teacher.

What did I do? I procrastinated, of course! I waited until the day after the deadline to turn in the order sheet. By this time it was too late to be accepted. My mother's co-workers got nothing they ordered. My mother was upset with me, to say the least.

Did I learn my lesson? Of course not! Fourteen years later, I am spending my precious Friday night, scrambling to find something to write about and post on a blog site one hour before my deadline. When did I get the assignment? I've known that I've had to submit a blog entry once a week since the beginning of the semester.

Why I continue to torment myself this way, is a complete mystery to even myself. Maybe I'm crazy? Well, if I'm not already, I'm definitely driving myself there... and fast.
